God's Story
for the Mexico Mission Center!!
That's the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway, far from the buzz of traffic
(Psalm 27:5 The Message by Eugene Peterson)
This is the picture of the future mission center from the roof of my apartment
Campus Crusade for Christ (Vida Estudiantil) is non-profit, non-denominational organization for fulfilling the Great Commission.
We had been in Mexico City for 1 year and 6 months and we are planning to have 1 year STINT students from Korea. STINT is meaning of Short Term INTernship and 5 students are planning to come for next year and we are going to receive STINTers every six months.
We had found the good place for them to stay as well as for the Mexican Students in Mexico City to have worship service, one-on-one bible study, training for Mexican students and all kinds of activities.
We will make contract for this house on December 10th, and will be able to move in from January.
This is really a big step of faith for us, and thanks for all your concerns and prayers for us.
Prayer Requests
1. May God bless this project, so that all the process for the contract and moving in could be going smoothly.

2. For providing the basic needs (refrigerator, washing machine, Mattresses, Microwave, all kinds of kitchen tools and cookers,) to fill this house.

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